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Shita Tsuki

Shita Tsuki is a karate strike. Pronounced 'she-tar-zucky'. The Shita Tsuki is a short lower body punch found in many Martial Arts and Self Defense styles around the world.

The punch is chambered from the traditional punch starting point, at the side of the body just higher than the waist, the fist inverted and the elbow pointing directly behind. Leabing the fist exactly how it is, the Short Punch of Shita Tsuki is simply extended forward until the elbow passes the body. Extra reach and power can be gained by adding a slight rotation to the hips.

The Shita Tsukit Short Punch should be aimed directly at the opponents center of the abdomen or stomach area. If the opponent is to the rear or at a side angle, then try to aim the punch into the kidney area, which is situated in between the opponents waist and rib area at the rear quarters of the attacker.

Keep lose and flexible while learning this punch to help build proper technique and flexibility.